Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Very Special Day :)

So today is a special day for me and my's our twelve month anniversary. Yep, that's right! A whole year together. Some people may consider that to be something silly to celebrate but I don't. With the way the world is today, we should be celebrating every moment that two people stay together and stay faithful to each other. Has it been easy? Heck no! We have our problems just like everyone else and we are constantly learning more and more about each other every day. It's a process that will never end and honestly, I think that's why you have to choose your life partners well. You have to find the person that God has planned for you to learn about for the rest of your life, and I know I've found mine.

A lot of people don't understand our relationship and some may not even approve of it but that's ok. I know this is who God has for me, so really, it doesn't matter if people understand it or not. I understand him. I know him like a book. I love him like crazy for it too :) Yeah he's not perfect but neither am I. We were made for each other to help each other. He loves me like I need to be loved and that's way more than I could ask for. We put each other first and do the very best for each other. That's what God calls for and that's what we want for each other. He has even grown my faith in God! He has prayed with me, recited verses to me when I needed it, and so many more things. This is why I love this man and I cannot wait for the next years to come because it will be the greatest adventure ever....and God will lead us through it all :) I love you baby :)

Day one :)

Happy one year :)

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