Monday, June 25, 2012

Clothing Optional?

Just a thought I had...

I'm not sure why but recently I have noticed that more and more girls are wearing skimpy clothing, a.k.a: hardly any at all. It seems the more I look around, the more I notice that the "in style" thing to do is wear low cut tops, short shorts, and skirts that are so short that if a wind were to come up, the entire world would be able to see everything. And the thing that bothers me the most is that Christian girls are becoming apart of this trend to. I see it all the time in church, fellowships, and even just in everyday life; perfectly respectable girls showing off everything they have just to get five seconds of attention from a boy.

Don't think it's true? Just look around. Go to the mall, to the movies, heck even go to church! I can guarantee you will find girls as young as 13 or 14 dressing like they are 10 years older than what they are. Even then, 30 year old women shouldn't be dressing that way, but you get my drift. God showed me this a few weeks ago by, of all people, my boyfriend! What struck me was that his response wasn't that of someone who found these girls to be extremely attractive. In fact, he was outright disgusted by them. He didn't understand why girls, who should be the biggest chase of a boy's life, were practically giving everything away by showing off their legs, bellies, and other assets. That got me to thinking, why on earth would a girl be that desperate for five seconds of attention.

Now girls, don't get me wrong. I know that when you dress in those tight dresses and short shorts with a tank top that a boy's attention is great. Believe me, I've been there! But let me tell you something, the attention is about all you are going to get from a boy. I doubt he'll date you (and if he does, it won't end well for ya!) and I certainly doubt that he will marry you, let alone respect you! When a girl wears clothes like that, the boy is only interested in seeing the rest of what you have. Sounds like you are a winner huh? Wrong! You only lose in this situation. I know, I know. It's hard being someone who doesn't get the second looks when your friends do. It's hard being the one without a guy asking for your number or even trying to talk to you. I've been there too, so I understand. I always felt like the one that never got a date, never got asked for my number, and never got a second look from a boy. But the long wait of being alone is totally worth it!

Girls want nothing more than to be loved and appreciated by a boy and any boy that accepts you when you are dressed like that, isn't an acceptable boy. He's a boy that only wants what he can get, and the second you give it, he's gone. Another thing, I doubt he has your feelings in mind. He may put up a good front of "I love you" and "I think you are the best girl ever", but believe's a bunch of bull. Put on long shorts and a t-shirt and see just how much he wants you then. And if you are out with him and you are dressed in a way that doesn't leave much to the imagination, he should be man enough to tell you to put some clothes on. He is supposed to be your protector...doesn't look like he's protecting you very much does he? He's letting the whole world get a look at you and why? So HE can look good, not you.

I'm sure a lot of people, if any read this, will probably think I'm a nun because I have a few things to say, but honestly, you can't deny what is right and what is moral. You can choose to ignore it and that's fine but a woman of real integrity and respect will make the boys chase her, not give it away. She protects her body and depends on her natural beauty to make her an amazing woman, not on clothes that only advertise that you are desperate. So throw out the short shorts and the low cut tank tops and put on some shorts that cover up your assets! See what kind of boys you attract then and see if I am right...think of it as a dare. It may take some time but I can guarantee that God will not let you down. He blesses those who honor him. My life with my boyfriend is a perfect testimony of that. He loves me for me, not for my body because I never advertised it to him. In fact, he tells me that that is one of the reasons that he loves me so, because I keep it all covered and I protect myself for him. And it took me two years to get him! But it's worth the wait :)

So step up girls and be women...what could it hurt to try? :)

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