Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Year of Pictures

Well, all I can say is this year flew by too fast for my taste! It seems like just the other day we started 2012 and now we are starting a completely new year in two days! If anyone knows where I can buy a watch that can stop time please let me know. Hehe!

I know it sounds cliche but I was thinking back on this year and on the things that I have done, didn't do, and wished I had done. I don't tend to like to follow the crowd but I actually would like to make a New Years resolution: to take more pictures. Yes, I know that is a rather random resolution but hey, when have I ever been one to fit into the norm? Lol. I will still try to strive to be closer to God and to read and study the Bible more in depth. I will also try to be a better person and reach out to people more, since I feel that I lack in that area.  So that is my resolution for 2013! I looked back on the year and I was disappointed with the fact that I did not have as many pictures as I'd like. I'm a very sentimental person and I love to look back at times in the past and for this past year, I don't have much to show for it. There were great events that I didn't document that I now wish I had. So this year, a camera will always be at hand! Pictures will be taken! So put your smiles on people, because you never know when I pull it out and capture the moment! :) This will be the year of pictures!

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